Events on Wednesday 19th May

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Please Donate

Most tickets for the Urban Tree Festival are free, but we ask attendees to please donate if they can.

We suggest a donation of £5 per event and you can easily donate when booking your ticket. Larger donations are always welcomed.

Donations are essential to the running of the Urban Tree Festival and you can find out why here.


Meditation with Trees

Each Slow Morning starts with 10 minutes of meditation. Book once for every morning.

09:00 Daily Festival Meditation with Trees with Mel Sutton. Join us for 9 days and establish a daily meditation practice. The start of the day is a great time for contemplation and self enquiry.

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Hogarth’s Mulberry Showcase

9:30 Artist Rachael Kidd creates an artistic piece using poetry about the 350 year old Mulberry tree submitted by local artists and residents as her starting point. Follow along as we unveil Rachael's piece throughout the festival.


Video Strolls

10:00 A new artists film will be published each day of the Festival. Films about place, people and journeying. For the Urban Tree Festival we have curated a collection of artists’ films that look at trees.


Forest Bathed Baby Club

10:30 Led by Katie Mills. A walk for new and expectant Parents with sling worn babies in Alexandra Palace Park (London) with Katie Mills from Forest & Family. Real-life event.

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Resilience Tree Walk

11:00 Join us on a walk with trees that will get you moving, talking, reflecting and recharging. Online event while walking locally wherever you are. Along the way you’ll be invited to engage with your environment and choose a tree to act as your talisman. That is, a tree that represents the qualities you need to build your resilience right now, that you can draw on to feel energised, positive and supported. Led by coach Anise Bullimore.


Introduction to Forest Bathing

11:45 Small group Forest Bathing taster walk in Alexandra Palace Park (London) with Katie Mills from Forest & Family. Experience the joy and benefits of Forest Bathing in the beautiful setting of Alexandra Palace park. Katie will guide the group walk, with tips and inspiration along the way to encourage you to delve further into this wonderful practice. With thanks to Alexandra Palace Trust for site use.

Tree Rings Webinar

13:00 Tree Rings, a live discussion and Q&A on an urban tree topic hosted by CPRE London.
The Nine Elms and urban elm trees. Chaired by Paul Wood, Festival co-producer with panelists David Shreeve, Conservation Foundation

Trees for All - All for Trees

14:00 Towards a Living Charter for Urban Forestry in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown county, Republic of Ireland. Presented by Aidan Ffrench, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Parks and Landscape Services. An outline presentation of the philosophy and principles underpinning the emerging dlr Trees and Urban Forestry Strategy 2021-2031 ('A Climate for Trees: Human Health and Well-being') through a shared culture of care that sees humans and trees co-habiting.

Writing Wood Words

15:00 A creative nature writing on-line workshop with author and poet, Electra Rhodes. Come and write about the things that inspire you in nature - whether it’s trees, the urban or rural landscape, or your relationship to either. No previous writing experience is necessary.

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Ask An Expert: Haynes Tree Manual

16.00 Bring your tree-related questions to this open book surgery, and put them to authors Kenton Rogers and Tony Kirkham! Whether you are a private tree owner, or an arboricultural professional, this session offers an opportunity to ask questions on a wide variety of topics relating to tree ownership.


Anansi, Wisdom and the World of Trees

17:30 Join Anansi, the Spider, as he weaves his way around the wisdom of the world - through tree stories. All family members welcome, from 6 to 106! Live Zoom and accompanying activities linked to the Natural History Wildlife Garden.

Tree Stories: Heart, Mind & Soul

18:00 From their sofa, Tracy Chevalier and Jonathan Drori explore the world of trees together through their different lenses and read a little from their work. Hosted by the Arboricultural Association & the Urban Tree Festival. Much that is special to us about trees lies where science, culture and folklore meet. From their sofa, Tracy Chevalier and Jonathan Drori explore the world of trees together through their different lenses and read a little from their work.