Events on Tuesday 18th May

Browse and book


Meditation with Trees

Each Slow Morning starts with 10 minutes of meditation. Book once for every morning.

09:00 Daily Festival Meditation with Trees with Mel Sutton. Join us for 9 days and establish a daily meditation practice. The start of the day is a great time for contemplation and self enquiry.

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9:30 Hosted by Abi Wade, in her series ‘Susurrate’ she has created musical sketches based around urban trees. A new musical piece will be published each day of the Festival.

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Video Strolls

10:00 A new artists film will be published each day of the Festival. Films about place, people and journeying. For the Urban Tree Festival we have curated a collection of artists’ films that look at trees.

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Trees and Social Housing Estates

10:00 A discussion and programme of work around how we can create high quality green landscapes which increase tree canopy cover to improve resilience to climate change and promote the wellbeing of residents. There will be contributions from three perspectives: one of London's largest social housing managers and providers; an NGO involved in the greening of Racecourse Estate in Ealing; and community group representatives from Brighton and Camden (TBC), who will share their experiences, successes and challenges, and hopes for the future for tree care and planting on housing estates


Recording Ancient Trees

12:00 A workshop on how to identify and record ancient and veteran trees. If you've ever wondered what ancient trees are, how to identify them and then how to protect them; recording them on to the Ancient Tree Inventory is the best place to start.

Tree Rings Webinar

13:00 Tree Rings, a live discussion and Q&A on an urban tree topic hosted by CPRE London.
Urban hedgerows - why they matter. Chaired by Sara Lom, The Tree Council with panelists Megan Gimber, People’s Trust for Endangered Species; Mathew Frith, London Wildlife Trust; and Jon Stokes, HedgeLink

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Missing Trees

14:00 With Ienke Kastelein. Online gathering to talk about our relation to trees and share your thoughts about MISSING TREES. Imagine sitting down together under a huge tree – and share our stories.


Great Eastern Parks Route

15:00 Presented by Geoff Juden & Will Sandy of the East London Garden Society. The Great Eastern Parks Route proposes a green, tree-rich link that connects various parks and gardens across East London. Come and explore this exciting vision with Will Sandy & Geoff Juden from the East London Garden Society, Des Garrahan from the London Ramblers, and Neil Sinden, Director of CPRE London.

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Book Club with Peter Fiennes

16:00 Anita Sethi talks about her dazzling and timely ‘I Belong Here’. Anita Sethi talks to Peter Fiennes about her powerful new book ‘I Belong Here: a Journey Along the Backbone of Britain’, described as "a thing of beauty" by the Sunday Times and "a memoir of rare power" by the Guardian.

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Sounds of the Plants by Planet Utopia

17:00 Find a better understanding of how magical our cosmic World is and how interconnected we all are. A virtual event on Plant Music and Plant Consciousness led by Mali & Gabriele. Contact with the intelligence of the Plants allows us to better understand ourselves and the World around us.

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Trees In Bloom: Flowering trees of Hyde Park

17:30 A virtual tour led by Greg Packman, Festival co-producer on behalf of the Royal Parks. Celebrate spring with bursts of vibrant blossoms. Discover the different kinds of trees in bloom in Hyde Park. We will explore the Rose Garden, Nannies Lawn and the Dell area with its beautiful waterfall.

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Universal Species Suffrage Workshop

18:00 An online workshop that proposes what the world would be like, if all species not only could vote, but received the dignity and value that suffrage entails. Throughout this workshop, we interrogate what it means to be a species in a world defined by human action. Led by John Halls

Please Donate

Most tickets for the Urban Tree Festival are free, but we ask attendees to please donate if they can.

We suggest a donation of £5 per event and you can easily donate when booking your ticket. Larger donations are always welcomed.

Donations are essential to the running of the Urban Tree Festival and you can find out why here.
