Events on Saturday 22nd May

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Treecreative walking in the suburbs

00:30 The Treecreative program is led by local artist Tracey M Benson, specifically seeks to connect residents to local nature reserves through meditative treewalks and creative activities. The walking activities will be fun and also encourage participants to add their own stories of special places where they feel connected, at home and enjoying nature.

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Guided Forest Bathing

08:00 Forest Bathing helps you take some time to slow down – to really slow down – to enhance your senses and use them to feel nature in a deeper way. While forest bathing usually takes place in larger, wild woodland or forest, Andrew Jenkins is keen to show you how some of the techniques can be used in our urban green spaces, which sometimes, is all we have available to us

Meditation with Trees

Each Slow Morning starts with 10 minutes of meditation. Book once for every morning.

09:00 Daily Festival Meditation with Trees with Mel Sutton. Join us for 9 days and establish a daily meditation practice. The start of the day is a great time for contemplation and self enquiry.


The Tree Charter Tapestry

9:30 A podcast streaming of the stage play, 'The Tree Charter Tapestry', by Caroline Summerfield


Tree Talk: Free Tree Therapy

10:00 Do you struggle with loneliness? Numbness? Exhaustion? Hopelessness? Compulsive thinking or behaviour?

Nature and Nurture in Downham

10:30 On-the-ground walk starts at Goldsmiths Community Centre in Downham, Lewisham and ends in Beckenham Place Park, southeast London’s largest park. Along the way, participants will be encouraged to look closely at their surroundings, to observe the nature that can easily get missed as we dash from place to place.Led by Theresa Webb, a nutritional therapist and London National Park City Ranger.

Tree-Feeling Walk and Online Meeting

10:30 A psychogeographic survey. Walk alone or together to discover trees near you and your feelings towards them. Then meet online to discuss your experience. Devised by Tamsin Grainger.


Anansi, Wisdom and the World of Trees

11:00 Join Anansi, the Spider, as he weaves his way around the wisdom of the world - through tree stories. All family members welcome, from 6 to 106! Live Zoom and accompanying activities linked to the Natural History Wildlife Garden.

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Nature Access in Bromley

12:00 Join Jon Halls, exploring the accessibility of nature in Bromley by giving walking routes for each ward. What does nature look like around London, and what kind of access do you have to it? A talk on accessing nature in London, looking at the project ‘Accessing Nature in Bromley’ followed by a Q+A to discuss how we could broaden access further.

Tree Rings Webinar

13:00 Tree Rings, a live discussion and Q&A on an urban tree topic hosted by CPRE London.
How should we value trees. Chaired by Peter Fiennes, author and Festival co-producer, with panelists Dr Clare Melhuish, UCL Urban Laboratory; Simon Needle, Principal Arboriculturalist/Ecologist, Birmingham City Council; and Dr Irene Becci, UCL

Tranquillity of Tilia

15:30 Join Hannah Sylvester, Medical Herbalist and Lecturer, for a talk on the Tilia (Lime tree). She will explore how this species has been revered throughout history and its benefits for human health. A heartfelt ode to the Tilia (lime tree) species; exploring how it has been revered through history, and presently, for its beneficial effects for human health.

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Connecting with your inner tree

17:30 This 60 minute session is an invitation to connect with the earth beneath your feet, the roots that run deep representing your ancestral family. What might the medicine of trees be for you? An invitation to remember the deep symbiosis humans have with the plant world. Led by Ciara Jean Roberts Holistic Health Pioneer, Yoga Teacher, Author, Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist.

Please Donate

Most tickets for the Urban Tree Festival are free, but we ask attendees to please donate if they can.

We suggest a donation of £5 per event and you can easily donate when booking your ticket. Larger donations are always welcomed.

Donations are essential to the running of the Urban Tree Festival and you can find out why here.
