Resilience Tree Walk

With Anise Bullimore of Walk Coach Learn.

Ticket Information

Resilience Tree Walk

Date: Wednesday 19th May

Time: 11:00-12:00

Location: Walk locally wherever you are while connecting via Zoom

Tickets: £10 - a proportion of ticket sales will be donated to the Urban Tree Festival

 Join us for a walk with trees, in your local area, that will get you moving, talking, reflecting and recharging

Ticketed by Anise Bullimore via Eventbrite.

Further Event Information

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Along the way you’ll be invited to engage with your environment and choose a tree to act as your talisman.  That is, a tree that represents the qualities you need to build your resilience right now, that you can draw on to feel energised, positive and supported.

You will walk locally, on your own, while connecting via Zoom to share the experience with a small, friendly group. You choose your route in a park or urban green space near you and walk at your own pace. Anise will coach and guide you as you wander, to help you connect with your environment, build resilience and have some moving conversations. 

Do take a photo of your tree and/or wander to share with #UrbanTreeFestival

What will you need?

  • A park or quiet green space with trees 

  • Access to the internet on the move. Try downloading the Zoom app on your phone, put in your earbuds, login to Zoom, say hello before switching off the camera, and pop the phone in your pocket.

  • A fully charged phone

  • To dress for the weather and take care of yourself as you walk.

What is resilience?

When we are resilient, we are able to adapt as life changes. Resilience is about protecting against stress, knowing what’s important to us and taking care of ourselves and those around us. Rather than focusing on what we need to just cope or keep bouncing back, a resilience practice focuses on what we need to really thrive.

 How will I build resilience on this walk?

Resilience starts with being present, managing our energy and taking time to check in with how we feel. When we walk, especially near nature, our stress levels reduce, our mood lifts, we feel more energised and open, and we gain a natural high. 

Spending time in places that make us feel safe and inspired is fundamental to building our resilience. We can do this by actually being in energising places as well as recalling them.  As we wander, you will explore the trees near you and find a tree that works as a talisman to boost your own resilience.

On this walk you’ll be invited to spend some time being present, really connecting with the environment and trees on your wander, and boosting your social energy with some uplifting conversations.


Anise in the trees.jpeg

Anise Bullimore - creator of Walk Coach Learn. A Resilience Coach, accredited Resilience Engine Practitioner, Mental Health First Aider and walking enthusiast. Her career experience of change, restructures and redundancy, combined with having three daughters and a year of cancer treatment sparked a deep interest in resilience.

 Her resilience coaching focuses on how we can work in ways that are good for us. Her clients are invited to join her on tiny adventures and go for wanders to build their resilience. She can often be found wandering and working in London parks. Walking gives her quality time in urban nature.  It keeps her physically and mentally healthy, happy, smart, free and present.