Urban Bonsai Real & Imagined

with CollectConnect Artists

Ticket Information

Urban Bonsai Workshop

Date: Saturday 15th May

Time: 11:30-12:30

Location: Online Zoom event

Tickets: Free, booking essential (donations welcomed)

Join us online for a live zoom workshop with CollectConnect artists and learn how to make your own Urban Bonsai!

Further information will be sent to you on booking.

Event Information

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Join us online for a live zoom workshop with CollectConnect artists and learn how to make your own Urban Bonsai.

We will hold an introductory workshop explaining the concept of the Urban Bonsai and providing workshop participants with a guide on how to start creating their own Urban Bonsais.

The art works and texts will be exhibited online during the Festival at the CollectConnect artists website with a blog from exhibition authors Dean and Alban. We also hope that the Urban Bonsais will be exhibited on peoples window sills, balconies and in their gardens.


CollectConnect is an artists' cooperative offering free to enter, accessible exhibitions and art events.

A small artist-led cooperative that provides free accessible art events and exhibitions. It is a non-profit making organisation.

Please Donate

Most tickets for the Urban Tree Festival are free, but we ask attendees to please donate if they can.

We suggest a donation of £5 per event and you can easily donate when booking your ticket. Larger donations are always welcomed.

Donations are essential to the running of the Urban Tree Festival and you can find out why here.