Urban Tree Festival Plymouth
By the community for the community!
Ticket Information
Urban Tree Festival Plymouth
Date: Dates throughout the festival
Time: Various
Location: Plymouth
Tickets: See links for info
This May join Plymouth Tree Partnership to celebrate the first-ever Plymouth Urban Tree Festival! People in Plymouth clearly love trees so we are joining other cities including London and Belfast for the sixth annual Urban Tree Festival to celebrate how much we value and appreciate our city's trees!
Event Information
From the 13th to 21st May we are running a series of events. This May join Plymouth Tree Partnership to celebrate the first-ever Plymouth Urban Tree Festival! People in Plymouth clearly love trees so we are joining other cities including London and Belfast for the sixth annual Urban Tree Festival to celebrate how much we value and appreciate our city's trees.
Join us for a range of mostly free, exciting events which cater for all ages and abilities. The Plymouth Tree Festival is independently run entirely by passionate local volunteers, tree experts, charities and groups.
A range of events will take place across Plymouth:
Ember pot making and marshmallows - https://plymouthurbantreefestival.com/utfevent/ember-pot-making-and-marshmallows
Dawn Chorus Walk - https://plymouthurbantreefestival.com/utfevent/dawn-chorus-walk-sunday
Bat Box Making - https://plymouthurbantreefestival.com/utfevent/bat-box-making
More events can be found here: https://plymouthurbantreefestival.com/events
Plymouth Tree Partnership
Plymouth Tree Partnership, an independent charity, is holding a range of events to celebrate its urban treescape. A selection are published here on the UTF website. For the full list and with details of how to book, please go to: www.plymouthtrees.org
Events in and around Plymouth, see their web page for each event.
Please Donate
Most tickets for the Urban Tree Festival are free, but we ask attendees to please donate if they can.
We suggest a donation of £5 per event ticket and you can easily donate by clicking the donate button. Larger donations are always welcomed.
Donations are essential to running the Urban Tree Festival.
Thank you for your support.